Vedic Meditation Training

Learn a lifelong tool to reduce stress

It has taken some time for the Western World to catch up with what the ancient Vedic Rishis (seers) in India knew 5000 years ago. Modern medical research into meditation is uncovering new validation every day into benefits such as stress reduction, improved health, improved happiness and better sleep. I teach a Vedic mantra technique, a silent yet powerful practice, developed by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Frawley at the Chopra Center. Classes available on a one-to-one basis and for groups. This technique is based on the ancient Vedic philosophical system of India, and is not affiliated with a particular religion.

Through a regular practice of meditation, one experiences:

  • Lower stress

  • Improved immunity

  • Increased resilience to challenges

  • Slowing of the aging process

  • Better relationships

  • Sharper intuition

  • More joy

The Vedic meditation course consists of the following:

  • History of meditation

  • Physiology & the science of human stress response

  • Layers of human existence

  • Principles of meditation

  • Receiving of a personalized mantra

  • Practical aspects of a regular meditation practice

  • Experiences during and after meditation

  • The mechanics of stress release during meditation

  • Exploring human states of awareness & consciousness

  • Integrating meditation routines into life

“Vish facilitated a wonderful program for us. He is a natural at teaching and offers such clear, easy to follow analogies for often complex, ’need to experience’ (and not intellectualize) philosophies.”

— Owner; Meditation Studio

Contact us with any questions or to make a booking.